Friday, January 16, 2009

Spoiled, spoiled, spoiled!!!

Finally some Christmas pictures.

Thank heavens for aunts and grandparents!


Maren said...

American Girls.....ooooooooh. My nieces are nuts for their dolls. Matching outfits, you name it.
Your kids are so sweet. Those are some happy Christmas faces.
Hey, I miss you. Don't you think you should take advantage of the cheap flights right now and run away for a few days? To Dallas?

Jane said...

OOOH, what fun!

Lynn -n- Trisha said...

At this point I don't believe the boys have blogs. Tiny should be able to tell you better than I. We hope all is well. Love ya all!

Andrea said...

I want to know if American Girl could make a doll just like me - with luv handles, plenty of pudge, zits and chewed fingernails.

Unknown said...

Your kids are growing up so fast! They are beautiful, Jenna looks so much like you did when we first met. I love it!! If you go to California I want to come I'm cold brrr. Love Dayle

Dan and Melissa said...

Krista, your family are gorgeous! I just love your girls in primary. Okay...grandparents are the absolute best!