Monday, May 18, 2009

*Dancing Queens*

B- E- A- utiful! I know I am biased, but really, have you ever seen two prettier girls!?!


Nene said...

No, I honestly haven't seen two prettier girls! You are going to have your hands full as they get older! :)

Joni said...

They look gorgeous, I would love to see them dance sometime. I'm sure they were the best dancers there.

Aly said...

Oh my gosh! They are so adorable!! Annie is signing up for Shelly's this next year...that would be so FUN if she was in Rilie's class:)

Maren said...

Oh, the classic popped knee arm in the air pose. It just doesn't look as cute when I do it now. :)
How did the concert go for them? I hope they had so much fun.